Sunday, June 24, 2018

An Unpopular Word in Unpopular Times

We live in unpopular times. How often have we heard the word "unprecedented" in regard to some news item? And it's never good. Never unprecedentedly good. The momentum of the bad news/terrible state of humanity is like a freight train. So I was really surprised this morning to hear words of hope echo into that chamber of horrors. And I'm going to try hard to articulate what my brain did with those words of hope.

The unpopular word is one that has been used to abuse people for centuries. To pound them, to beat them, to bloody their poor heads and hearts. Ironically, it has been wielded as a weapon by the very people who should know best that it is a word of hope. I can't put it off any longer, I have to write the word. Sin. I know, you hate that word (if you are in my generation or younger, for sure). It made me blanch when I heard it this morning. Because it's been used by people who are later arrested for doing it. By Christians!! Holy mackerel. Not just priests and pastors and teachers in the church, but by the entire priesthood of believers. By me.

How can it be hopeful to talk about sin? To think about sin? It has almost become a four letter word. But here's the is the bottom line of all hope. I'm not talking about worrying about sin and everlasting hell (there are so many people living in hell in this world right now that the whole Dante version is meaningless to me). I'm not talking about demanding that people accept a certain religion, or call God by a certain name to get the benefit of the hope. 

Sin is hardening my heart against another human being. Because one way God still creates, still works in this world, is through us. God never left. God didn't die and rise again and go to heaven and leave us alone. God is here. God is living in that one that we can't stand. The one who believes some crazy religion, or no religion, or belongs to the "other" political party. You know the one, the person who clearly isn't as smart/compassionate/hard working as we are. God is living in that reporter on the other channel that I just can't stand. In the politician I detest. God is living in that person who keeps begging on the corner when I suspect they are just mooching. God is even living in that driver who clearly doesn't know how to drive and will slow our journey by minutes at least. God is living in the addict who has lost themselves in drugs/alcohol/sex/gambling/work/food, or just plain self-centered-ness. Which is, more often than not, you and me.

Wait, I'm coming to the hopeful part. If sin is the hardening of our hearts against God in others, then we have the power to change that. We can even pray for help to change it. Because, honestly, can you imagine that God would rather we be haters? Can you think for one second that God would not jump at the chance to help us be better humans?

Hate somebody? Stop it. Resent somebody? Let it go. Demand that someone think the same in order to be loved? Get over it! Choose to love the God in them even if I can't bring myself to like them. I predict it will cause an unprecedented improvement in human history. If I think it doesn't matter how I talk about people, I'm part of the downward spiral of moral courage. If I think it doesn't matter if I spread gossip, if I can't wait to defame someone, I'm part of the illness that is blocking the sun. Anger breeds contempt. Contempt is a blight. Oh I know, everyone thinks they have righteous anger. Know any truly righteous people?

Unpopular times- they are upon us. But people who commit to love justice and do mercy will shine the light that is so lacking. Sin, it's the old, old story. The Old Adam sitting around in his underwear waiting for others to bring him a beer. BUT it's not the final answer. Thank God, the chance to choose truth is as available to us as ever. And that is just plain hopeful.


  1. I love that you include me in this blog. I am not intelligent enough to think it but when I read your words I get it. You can be my personal "dissector/interpreter of sermons and news! I also needed this. I love your passion and thank you for acting on it.

    Was that your children's book he read from today?

    1. It was not, but I loved that book. We're are all children still. Thanks for reading!!
