Monday, February 4, 2013

One Plus One

I've been working on a young adult novel about a ballerina in a Soviet ballet school for about three years now. It has morphed from one genre to another, starting with fantasy and ending up in the real world. But it kind of plodded along. Until now. Now it is zooming ahead with a vigor that more than amazes me. 
About a month ago I got inspired by a little girl, Nelle, who posed for the book cover photo shoot. She lent real physical presence to my fictional character. I got inspired by Katie, my dancer daughter, who posed this little beauty in the photo shoot. Watching her interact with Nelle ended up coloring a dance teacher in the sequel. Watching Nicole shoot the photos, looking at how the light and color palette affected the mood of the pictures inspired a studio description in the sequel. Because one plus one is always more than two in a creative venture!
Last week my daughter Sally had an idea that blew the socks (or tights, in this case) off the ballet novel. Now we are collaborating, and she is writing the voice of the protagonist's roommate. Book two has suddenly been outlined, in a matter of hours instead of months, and we have a firm idea of the conclusion in book three. Viola! A story arch, a hero's journey!
My husband, Bob, used a great word to describe our collaboration: synergy. That word may have entered the business world overused-buzzword hall of fame. But that usually happens because a word is particularly appropriate or insightful. But whatever word we use when inspiration strikes due to bouncing ideas off another creative person...I am very excited about the result.
So, our target date for publication of a paperback and an ebook on Amazon of Raina Rising is April 1st. That may be ambitious, and we may have to be more patient. I have a fabulous friend and editor, Alison, whose work is so important that we can't hurry her along.
And, you need to know this fun fact. Sally and I are co-writing under a nom de plume that combines my parent's names. You'll read our work when you buy a book by Tessa Franklin. How fun is that???

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